MAY 2024
All will know the love of God through the teaching of Jesus!!
Trinity U.C.C. is called by
God to:
–Share God’s love with our
–Serve God’s children
–Bring healing and
wholeness to those in need
–Share the Gospel in
liturgy, music and study
Did you receive the Holy Spirit
when you became believers?
(Acts 19:2)
Catch the Vision,
Share the Joy!!

Dear Friends,

As we move from Eastertide to the Day of Pentecost (the 50th
day of Easter), let us remember the significance of that event.
The disciples were gathered together and there was the rush of a
violent wind that surrounded them. They began speaking in different languages
and the Christian Church was born.
The Holy Spirit continues to empower us, nudge us, and encourage us as we share the love and light of Jesus Christ. Throughout the summer months, our scripture lessons remind us of God’s invitation to a new relationship and the promise that God will never give up on us. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, God will transform us for ministry and mission
The challenge for us is that we must be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our daily life. Are we willing to go where God is taking us? Are we open to the
ways God will lead us to new life? Are we open to the ways God is calling us to
use our gifts to serve others? I hope these words from Joyce Rupp will help you in your discernment!
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
One day I walked out of the house to go to a meeting. I had my hand on the car
door, ready to open it. Suddenly a rush of peace and well-being swept through my spirit. I immediately had this keen awareness that someone was praying for me. I felt grateful and a bit in awe. I knew in that moment that God was filling me with love. This sense of an immense Power within us is one significant way in which the Holy Spirit acts. This powerful love stirs and calls to us. This gift of God’s presence calls to us, unites us and supports us. We cannot force or control how or when this gift is given. We can only be open and ready to receive it.
We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit when we are baptized and continue to receive this gracious gift each time we are open to the goodness of God in our daily moments. It is easy to miss this graced movement of God or to take these moments for granted. Today might be a good day to deepen our awareness of how the Holy Spirit guides, protects, encourages, comforts, sustains, and draws us always toward a more complete union with our Creator.
Bearer of Gifts, celebrate your presence within my life. May your power be at the source of my actions, in all my moments, no matter how ordinary. Amen.
(Inviting God In: Scriptural Reflections and Prayers Throughout the Year by Joyce Rupp, 2001)
Pastor Chris


Pastor Chris and Michael