All will know the love of God through the teaching of Jesus!!
Trinity U.C.C. is called by
God to:
–Share God’s love with our
–Serve God’s children
–Bring healing and
wholeness to those in need
–Share the Gospel in
liturgy, music and study
God to:
–Share God’s love with our
–Serve God’s children
–Bring healing and
wholeness to those in need
–Share the Gospel in
liturgy, music and study
As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fish for people.’ And immediately they left their nets and followed him. As he went a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were in their boat mending the nets. Immediately he called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him.
(Mark 1:16-20, read at Pastor Chris’ ordination)
(Mark 1:16-20, read at Pastor Chris’ ordination)
Catch the Vision,
Share the Joy!!
Dear Friends,
Twenty years ago this month I was ordained into the Christian ministry. The service at First Reformed U.C.C. was filled with wonderful music and an excellent sermon by the Rev. Dr. Alfred Bartholomew. I co-celebrated communion with my former pastor, the Rev. Dana Schlegel (I included the picture of us to this article). I was surrounded by family and friends from various stages of my life. So much has happened in my ministry since October 24, 2004.
I obviously think about the baptisms, funerals, weddings, and confirmations that I have experienced over the last 20 years! I think of my involvement in the wider church and the communities where I have served! I think about the mission and ministry that I have been involved with in the congregations I have served! However, I also think about how the Church has changed so much since I was ordained.
I am reminded that I began seminary about a week before the terrorist attacks on September 11. That tragic event caused people to attend worship in the weeks following, but it also caused us to not treat others that are different from us with respect. It was evident that the current events would impact the Church. This is ever true now! Just years after my ordination, we were in the midst of some economic hardships that caused congregations to make serious decisions about staff and ministries. These concerns have exacerbated in recent years as we experienced the challenges of the COVID pandemic.
My seminary education and the learning opportunities required for ordination could not prepare me for these challenges. I have realized time and time again that we learn how to confront these challenges through our experiences. As I reflect on 20 years in the ministry, I think about the joys and sorrows that I have experienced and how they have shaped me for ministry now and in the future.
We can’t deny the fact that the Church is in the midst of challenging times right now! Human and financial resources have diminished. People aren’t entering the ministry. The structures of the Church are rapidly crumbling and it seems that we no longer recognize the Church. For some reason, people have walked away from the Church and it is hard to get those left in the pews to be engaged in the life of the Church. What will be the future of the Church?
have been pondering this question for several years now and I don’t have all the answers. As I celebrate this milestone, I realize that this is the half-time mark of my pastoral career. I have another 20 years of ministry until I can retire. What congregations will be around in 20 years? What will ministry look like in the next 20 years?
As I said, I don’t have the answers. What I do know is that God continues to call us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to a broken world. I do know that God continues to call us to work with one another as we share in the cost and joy of discipleship. As I said 20 years ago, “I do, relying on God’s grace. Will you join me?
Pastor Chris