Let The Children Come
Voluntary Nursery Care is available during the Service of the Word.
Crib Nursery is available for ages birth to three years old.
Preschool Nursery Care is available for ages three years old to the end of 1st grade.
Children are encouraged to attend all of worship by the second grade.
Children’s Sermons, called “Let The Children Come” occur in the middle of the 10:30 AM church services. Many parents choose to keep their children with them in the worship service from the beginning of the service so that they can go up for the Children’s Sermon, and then leave for Nursery Care after the Children’s Sermon.
Many parents collect their children from the nursery at the beginning of the celebration of communion, in order to take their children up to the altar rail to receive a blessing.
Nursery Care is voluntary and totally at the discretion of the parents.
All Nursery Volunteers should be approved adults, per our Safe Church Policy.
Nursery Volunteers should have Safe Church Forms for parents to fill out, to provide allergy and emergency information.